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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minuntes 10/8/09
OCTOBER 8, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairman Joseph Story with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.    In attendance were Selectmen Bulgaris, Keller, Walker, Town Administrator Chuck Kostro and Chief Michael Reilly.

Chairman Story advised this was a follow-up meeting to look at the traffic pattern changes since school reopened.     Chief Reilly noted that traffic had slowed with police presence.   This presence will continue but will not be quite as visible due to other commitments.    Un-marked cars may be used and times will be adjusted to comply with complaints received.     Reilly asked that the residents continue to call or e-mail him with any concerns or complaints.    Some signage is still needed and is forthcoming as the budget allows.   The number of citations issued to date will be posted on the web site as requested.    Reilly also advised that citations can be issued to cars passing stopped school buses if the plate number and description of the car/truck is reported to the station.    A letter from the Allens of Central Street was read regarding the possibility of a fund raiser to acquire a solar radar sign.   Chief Reilly advised he was also in negotiations with another town for a used speed/radar trailer however, money is still the problem.    Crosswalk signs and fog lines to define the roadway are also in the works.

Some suggestions/comments heard from the residents in attendance were as follows:  trip wires in road connected to a camera; foot patrols; making Lunt Street one way from Main to Central; make Lunt Street a dead end;  install a three way stop at Central and Main; define corner at the Post Office; pop-ups in center of road like on the Georgetown curve; high visibility signs; post Lunt Street “no thru traffic”; get opinion of school bus drivers as to how the changes are working; need for speed limit signs on Church Street after the stop sign; need for a professional traffic study; more traffic enforcement at specific times; make Byfield Center a “speed trap” and speed bumps.    Chairman Story thanked everyone for their input and comments.    Chief Reilly advised he would work with the State on possibly changing the speed limit in the center and will look at pop-ups in road with Tim.   He also noted he would like to post Church Street and Lunt Street with yellow 20mph signs.    Chairman Story will meet with the owner of the post office property to discuss strategies for that corner.   He noted that the direction of the one-way on Lunt Street is still on the table and also the upper end of Church Street.    School bus drivers will be contacted to get their opinions and an estimate will be obtained for a professional traffic study.   He asked the residents to give it another month and then another meeting can be scheduled.    Any problems should be directed to Chief Reilly via phone or e-mail.    The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.